Mia Sutherland

Hi! Welcome to my blog. My goal is to provide readers with extremely interesting and unique insights, tools, hints and stories in the hopes of inspiring, motivating and guiding fitness enthusiasts alike.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Blog Challenge #5

Wow, who would have thought that would be such a tough challenge!  But, way to go for giving it your best shot.  Keep at those squats and you will be bikini ready this summer.

I am sitting on the West Coast staring out at the Broken Islands thinking about your challenge for the week.  Since I am in the middle of no where I figured this weeks challenge would be related to my location.  Sorry ahead of time for this one you guys (not really - tee hee).  Your challenge will be Sunday exempt in case anyone is an avid football junkie. 

Okay, no eating out this week....that means Starbucks Dianne!  No coffees, muffins, lunches, sour patch candies at Town Pantry, sushi etc.  That means you might have to be a bit more organized in terms of lunches and suppers.  Just so you have something to enjoy for the week, I would also like everyone to do 10 push ups every day.  These can be any kind of push ups including wall push ups.  This is a great exercise for gently couersing the twins back up to their original location!

Have a great week.


  1. This one was a little tougher for me than some of the others as I like to enjoy a Timmies or Starbucks coffee out once or twice a week. I also had a lunch to attend this week for my sister but I really thought hard about my choices before ordering and managed to make healthy choices.

  2. That was not so hard because we don't eat out much at our house at all. Can't wait for this week's challenge!
